Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens,
Donors and families, and mentors – we’re smitten.
Walk With Sally has so much for which we are thankful. We are fortunate to have mentors for our kids, donors for our activities, and attendees at our White Light White Night. From the very bottom of our hearts, we say thank you for your time, donations, and support that comes in so many different forms.
While it may be best practice to say thank you because of social expectations, being grateful improves your mood, and is a huge part of positive psychology. It is easy to want more in a largely consumer-based place- and it isn’t our fault. We are always trained to want more, bigger, faster, better products. Taking a moment to really be appreciative of what we have in the current moment is tough, especially if one of those things we have is cancer.
It is difficult, but if we follow psychologist Nietzsche’s guidance, we should love the totality of our lives. Psychology Today breaks down how “it’s easy for us to embrace the positive in our lives, and dismiss, avoid, or regret the negative. But Nietzsche stresses the importance of embracing all aspects of our past and present lives. This is about accepting reality and responsibility, but also about realizing that those positive moments, however small – the awe-inspiring sunset, bursts of laughter– are only possible because of culmination of all that has gone before. It is the totality of our past that has become the midwife of this moment. If anything in the past were different, so too would be our present.”
At times, it is challenging to accept the total package, but it is necessary. Along with laughter, gratitude can completely alter the way we think and act towards others and ourselves. It turns anger in traffic to appreciation for your car.
We have so many gifts- things, resources, people, etc. For us at Walk With Sally, we thank our lucky stars that you became something so special and dear to us. Thank you!