Friendship Bowl 2019 – Fundraise for Friendships



Fundraise for 25 New Mentorships at the Friendship Bowl

Join our movement to support 25 new mentorships (or as well like to call them, “Friendships”) so that these kids won’t walk alone in the face of a loved one’s cancer.

Why #BowlFor25?
The Friendship Bowl is Walk With Sally’s annual campaign for friendships culminating in a high-energy day of bowling.  Sign up today and honor a loved one by bowling with us at Palos Verdes Bowl on March 9th. Our goal is to raise $125,000 which will support 25 new Walk With Sally friendships.

For a peek inside the Friendship Bowl, check out this video…

Friendship Bowl 2018 video photos of Mentor Ashley and her mentee Camilla

How can you #BowlFor25?
Fundraise a minimum of $250 to participate. It’s that easy to be a part of our movement!

Act Now to sign up for the Friendship Bowl

There are so many reasons to sign up early.

  • Reason #1: Prizes! Be one of the first fundraisers to reach $250, and you’ll earn a Walk With Sally swag bag w/ t-shirt & hat!  Plus more opportunities for prizes every week!
  • Reason #2: Lead the movement.  We are a community dedicated to ensuring that no child walks alone in the face of a loved one’s cancer. Your fundraising efforts can make that a reality for 25 more kids if you start now!

Can’t make it on March 9th?
No problem! You can still participate as a virtual bowler. Throw a dinner party, organize a bake sale, or simply send an email with a link to your donation page to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and your community.  Whatever you decide to do, do it for the kids!

Fundraise for Friendships
January 23 – March 9
Sign Up at:

Bowl with Us
Palos Verdes Bowl
March 9 | 12p.m. – 4p.m.
24600 Crenshaw Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90005
Raise $250 to secure your lane!

Get ready for fun!

Photo collage of bowling teams and fundraisers from Walk With Sally's Friendship Bowl 2018 in Los Angeles