Invitation: Join us to #BowlFor16!



Put your passion for Walk With Sally to work!

Create an online fundraising page to support a friendship, even if you can’t join us on March 11 for the Friendship Bowl.

How To Get Involved

Dedicate the next 3 weeks leading up to the Friendship Bowl to funding a Walk With Sally friendship and changing a child’s life.

Step 1: Create a fundraising page in 5 minutes or less. To register, fundraise $250 for entry into the Friendship Bowl; if you’re fundraising because you can’t make it on March 11, just fundraise what you can.

Step 2: If you’d like, create a team and ask up to 5 friends to join you. Send them a link to your fundraising team page to join.

Step 3: Fund part of or an entire friendship – and win prizes! We’re giving out prizes to the top fundraising individuals and teams. You don’t have to be present to win.

$120 – Sends one mentee to a Friendship Activity

$250 – Trains one mentor every month for 10 months

$600 – Welcomes 12 new mentees to the program with a Match Day gift

Bowl With Us

March 11, 12-4 p.m,

Palos Verdes Bowl

24600 Crenshaw Blvd.

Torrance, CA 90505


Can’t Make It?

Hope to see you soon!

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Walk With Sally