Why We Volunteer



Reasons We Volunteer

In honor of National Volunteer Month we wanted to find out why some of our volunteers choose to give back.  So, we asked Janet Page, a volunteer who has spent more than a few hours with us over the past few months to tell us about her motivation.  Here’s what she had to say.

Janet’s Volunteer Story

Walk With Sally volunteer Janet Page

My mom, seemingly 24/7, was focused on raising 5 children and creating a warm and welcoming home.  She expanded that world and shaped wonderful friendships through volunteering. She would come back from her time away full of passion and a sense of accomplishment.


When I was old enough, I was able to go with her and see who she was in this bigger world.  I understood that she made a difference to the lives of others. She gave where the need was great and the resources were minimal.


My mom inspired me.  All my life I’ve been a volunteer.   I’ve always looked for organizations that had a vision I could personally relate to.  I’ve always looked for groups with a strong sense of mission, a dedicated staff and complete integrity.


I found all of those qualities at Walk With Sally.  


I could relate because cancer had touched my family several times, once with small children thrown into a world they couldn’t understand.  The emptiness and confusion they had and the complete emotional upheaval around them was heart-breaking. There were no WWS mentors in Montana to give them an experience that was fresh, unencumbered, confidential and reliable.


WWS’s founder, Nick Arquette, knew this experience first-hand.  As an adult, he became determined to address the need. Thirteen years later, his vision is now an uplifting reality.  He engages people to the cause in a way that is rewarding and personal.


He found the right people to bring his message home.  The Walk With Sally staff is incredible.. They are all highly capable, extremely dedicated, enthusiastic and welcoming.  They put in endless hours and go well beyond their job descriptions.


I wanted to be part of this team and  that is who I am now. Sometimes I help with office work, sometimes I staff program events with mentees and mentors.  I especially enjoy being a support to the mentor trainings. I feel connected, appreciated and fulfilled.


My mom was right.  When you volunteer, you define the kind of community you want to live in.  Follow your heart and give what you can, when you can. Life will expand in the best possible way.