28 Kids Need You!

Thanks to the Friendship Bowl, Walk With Sally changed the lives of these 5 kids.
Help us change 28 more lives.
Help us change 28 more lives.
Why #BowlFor28?
The Friendship Bowl is Walk With Sally’s high-energy spring fundraising campaign! Create or join a team (Team Walk With Sally is open!), fundraise as little as $250, and come bowl with us at Palos Verdes Bowl. Our goal is to raise $140,000, which will support 28 new friendships.
How can you #BowlFor28:
Fundraise a minimum of $250 to participate. It’s that easy!
Unsure about fundraising? Just think about the people who might be able to support you and these 28 kids…
- Relatives
- Friends
- Friends of friends
- Neighbors
- Coworkers
- Faith-Community Members
- Acquaintances you see often at the dog park, gym, grocery store, etc.
- Your doctor, dentist, accountant, lawyer, etc.
- A neighborhood small business
With all of these opportunities, getting to $250 is a piece of cake!
What to do if you can’t make the event?
Please still support us! Throw a dinner party, organize a bake sale or simply send an email with a link to your donation page to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and your community. Whatever you do, do it for the kids!
All Donations Make An Impact!
Did you know…
Fundraising Isn’t For You?
You can still support our efforts to help more families impacted by cancer by making a donation today.