Transformative Love: This is Amy & Chloe’s Story

When Amy Dorr recently attended 8-year-old Chloe’s talent show, something happened that she never thought would happen. “Chloe voluntarily walked up to me and gave me a big hug. And she said, ‘Thank you for coming.’” That was a monumental gesture for Chloe, considering where her relationship with Amy, her Walk With Sally mentor, started […]

Lifetime Friendship Award 2016

This year we are honoring Danielle Aiello and her mentee, Samantha with the Lifetime Friendship Award.  So we asked Danielle to tell us about her story, here’s what she had to say… I first learned about Walk with Sally about 7 years ago from a good friend of mine, Wimberly whose husband Randy was old […]

She’s a Survivor

National Cancer Survivor Day is coming up on June 5th! Congratulations to all the survivors out there! In our community, we know each cancer story is unique. However, we understand each others’ disbelief, fear, love in our families, and joy when “good news” comes along in our journey. Today, a cancer survivor takes the stage […]

Strength in Numbers

Do you remember hosting lemonade stands in Kindergarten, probably making a net profit of two dollars? Alex’s Lemonade Stand Fund is an entire company raising funds for children’s cancers by combining all these little stands to raise enough money that truly makes a difference in the Cancer Community. Children at Vance Air Force Base decided to dedicate […]

May Military Gratitude

Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy; WE SALUTE YOU! May marks National Military Appreciation Month. There are so many men and women serving our country in various ways, in various branches of the military. While most youngins were just worried about legally going to bars, 21-year-old Brad Patriarca was joining the US Coast […]

Walk With Sally Honor’s Greg Colgan as Mentor of the Year!

On January 21st, Walk With Sally hosted it’s annual Mentor Appreciation Mixer at Shark’s Cove.  This event was our way of honoring all the wonderful mentors and their commitment to the children and families in our program.  This was also our opportunity to give a special shout out to one mentor that went above and beyond […]

A Match’s Perspective…

Gigi and Erin have been matched for over a year, and it has been a privilege for Walk With Sally to see this friendship grow.  Their match began out of tragedy and resilience, and has continued to flourish ever since.  When Gigi was just three years old, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She […]