Nicole and Deborah: Brought Together by Breast Cancer

Nicole & Deborah: Brought Together by Breast Cancer Nicole and Deborah were matched in November of 2018, and while we’ll get to where they are now, their path to finding Walk With Sally was paved by their experiences with cancer. Deborah: the mentee Deborah, at just 13 years old, has seen her mom battle, and […]
15 For 15 Challenge : Honor A Loved One

15 For 15 Challenge : Day 2/15 : Honor Your Loved One Is there someone in your life who has fearlessly battled cancer? Too many of us are able to raise our hands and answer yes to that question. That’s why we want to honor them. Together, as a community, we are honoring the cancer […]
15 For 15 Challenge

Happy 15th Anniversary! Hooray! We’re celebrating 15 years of creating Friendships and a support system for children and families impacted by cancer. But, to make it another 15 years we need your help to sustain our programs and services for the 110 Friendships currently in our program and growing every day. Here’s where you come […]
Breast Friends – Businesses Give Back for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Walk With Sally’s Breast Friends Donation Campaign 2020 Businesses collaborate to support Walk With Sally and all families and children impacted by breast cancer during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As you may know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month…but here’s something you might not know – Walk With Sally’s families are impacted by breast […]
The Virgen Family: Community Support For The Whole Family

Finding Out About Cancer When the Virgen family found out that Flora had stage 4 Breast Cancer, it was time for them to come together as a family, but they also wanted to make sure their kids had support. Not knowing where to turn or even how to talk to their kids about cancer, Ariel […]
Creating A Future Filled With Hope: Liam’s Story

Liam was just a young teenager when he found out about his mom’s breast cancer diagnosis and he found himself continuing to listen to the voice in his head reassuring him that she would be fine, listening to that voice giving him hope. In June of 2017, he was matched with Brian and the hope […]
Walk With Sally Fall 2019 News & Events

Fall 2019 News & Updates Finding The Fun in Friendship Activities Since we last connected, Walk With Sally has been busy creating an incredible community of support around all of our families impacted by cancer. During July, Rock & Brews hosted their second activity of the year where mentors and mentees could come together for a […]
Bryan & Alrick: Connected by Breast Cancer

Bryan & Alrick’s Friendship: Connected by Breast Cancer Alrick watched his mother battle breast cancer while in his late 20s, and then went on to watch her lose another battle with cancer nearly a decade later. When he saw a report about Walk With Sally on Spectrum News, he immediately knew this was a way […]
Support Through Community: Maureen & Izzy

A Friendship Story – Maureen & Izzy Maureen’s friendship with Izzy is a true testament to the Walk With Sally mission. Izzy joined the program when she was just ten years old. Her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer and, at the time, she was in remission. Although Maureen and Izzy originally had complete […]
Creating Opportunities: Claudia & Camila’s Story

Claudia was 6 years old when her mom lost a 4 year battle with cancer. She remembers that life wasn’t the same as other kids her age. Her father was so busy trying to take care of her mother, Claudia never learned to swim or ride a bike. The family never even took a summer […]