Walk With Sally Rock & Brews Friendship Activity Summer 2019
Walk With Sally and Rock & Brews bring Tie Dye to the Friendships in the Mentor Program!
For the second time this year, we are expanding our community with the help of partners and volunteers. While creating a supportive community around cancer, our Friendship Activities are also designed to for our mentors and mentees to create lasting memories and deepen their friendship. Rock & Brews General Manager, Walter steps up to the plate as he invites his family to volunteer along side Walk With Sally volunteers who provide open support in any way needed.
During this Friendship Activity we are following Mentor and Mentee Friendship, Joanne and Barbie, matched in the WWS program for 8 months.
Barbie’s sister Violet went through Leukemia when Barbie was only 4 years old. Today her sister Violet is still experiencing the aftermath of cancer and how it impacts her personal day to day activities as well as that of her family. Barbie has a lot of personality, but she can close up in crowds. Joanne has been trying to gently help her open up when in group settings and what a better place to practice than at a Walk With Sally Friendship Activity.

Shortly after arrival the group gathers to learn how the flow of the activity will go. Getting creative is key as they twist, tie and wrap their items in all kinds of shapes to create different designs.

Joanne is a cancer survivor herself and a long time supporter of Walk With Sally. A little less than one year ago, she found that it was time for her to become a mentor. She shares, “I am so lucky. You all paired me with such an incredible family and such a great kid.” She continues, “I really feel so lucky to be able to do something to help a child that has been through a cancer experience. I also get so much more out of the mentorship as a volunteer and being in this amazing community.”

Between laughter and play, Joanne and Barbie move from the tie dye station over to making pizzas. Our mentors and mentees, and some parents, pick from several toppings to put together a masterpiece and patiently wait for the final product. There are so many outcomes from everyone’s interactions at this activity, from patience and sharing to collaboration and creative expression.

We asked Barbie what her favorite part of the day was, “Eating pizza,” she says. Joanne realizes there is more work to do to encourage her socialize and make friends, but is truly grateful for opportunities like this, with amazing partners, to help Barbie grow.
The Walk With Sally Mentor Program thrives thanks to these incredible partnerships and volunteers.

Interested in learning more about mentoring?
— All photos by Jose Garcia @jolugarphotography